What Is Theta (DNA) Healing

Theta Healing is a powerful technique that combines science and spirituality to identify and instantly transform deeply held blocks, negative beliefs and trauma in the unconscious mind.
It is now becoming widely accepted that our thoughts create our reality. Films such as The Secret and What The Bleep Do We Know have explored the theory that what we experience in our external reality is shaped by what we experience within. Recent discoveries at the cutting edge of quantum physics and DNA research validate this theory.
Scientists such as Dr Bruce Lipton have revealed that genes/DNA do not control our biology; instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. In other words, physical illness, or dis-ease, is first present on an energetic level as a direct result of our beliefs, memories and emotional state.
Our worldview is made up of beliefs: opinions or convictions that we see as truth. The kinds of beliefs we carry with us influence the kinds of thoughts we have on both the conscious and unconscious level. They also affect our behaviour, and our relationships with others and the world. Some of our beliefs are received from the group consciousness or dominant paradigm, such as the belief that “the earth is round” (whereas in the past it was commonly believed to be flat), or that a certain disease is incurable. Other beliefs, such as cultural beliefs, have been passed on genetically through our parents. Genetic beliefs are a reflection of the experiences and worldview of our ancestors, and may include things like prejudices, or beliefs such as “I have to feast before the famine”. We also form our own core beliefs based on how we view or interpret our own life experiences. These beliefs tend to be on the conscious level, and may include things such as “I’ll never be good enough” or “I have to put others first”. Our beliefs impact on our day to day lives in ways we may not realise, and can manifest as physical or emotional conditions, blocks, fears, phobias or addictions.
Theta Healing works instantly to transform negative thought patterns or beliefs on all levels and in the DNA, empowering you to re-create your life exactly as you choose.
Where Does It Come From?
Theta Healing was founded by Vianna Stibal, from Idaho Falls in the United States. She worked as a naturopath and intuitive, and had a successful practice where clients would come to her for readings.
In 1995, Vianna was diagnosed with Lymphatic cancer in the femur bone of her right leg, and told she had only a few months to live. She was suffering from incredible pain, and nothing seemed to be helping, but deep within she believed she already knew how to heal herself. During this time, Vianna continued to work doing intuitive readings. She used a technique of visualising going up through the top of her head through her crown chakra, and entering the person’s space to look inside the body. While in this state, she found could communicate with Creator, and be given answers to her questions.
One day she had a man come to see her with severe backache, and she asked Creator to release the pain in his back.
It was gone instantly. The following day she carried out the same procedure on herself. Her right leg, which had shrunk three inches shorter than her left leg, returned instantly to its normal size. The pain was gone, and her leg was healed. Today her leg continues to be healthy, and she is free of Lymphatic cancer.
Since that time, Vianna has travelled the world to teach people how to use this powerful technique to transform their lives.
Nitu Dhiman is a certified DNA Theta Healing practitioner, certified by Vianna Stibal. Being intuitive and clairvoyant, Nitu use several other modalities along with Theta Healing to cure her patients. She has cured thousands of patients who come to visit her throughout the world.
How Does it Work?

There are five major frequencies in the human brain (Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta). These brain waves are all being used at any one time, but depending on the situation one frequency is always dominant. The Theta wave is the dominant brain wave during very deep meditation, when drifting off to sleep or whilst under hypnosis.
Scientists have discovered that the Theta brain frequency has been found to alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, facilitate deep relaxation, improve mental clarity and creative thinking, reduce pain, promote euphoria, and provide access to instant healings.
When doing Theta Healing, the brain instantly goes into a Theta wave state. It is when in this state you are able to work directly with Source, Spirit, the Universe, God or Creator of All That Is, (depending on your spiritual and religious beliefs), to facilitate powerful healing. Everyone can learn to achieve this state in minutes.
What Happens During a Theta Healing Session?
During a Theta Healing session, the practitioner will identify which key beliefs are holding your physical or emotional issue in place.
This will be done intuitively and also through a process called “digging”. Digging is a technique used to work down through the layers of beliefs to uncover the bottom or key belief. When a bottom belief is transformed, the beliefs stacked above it will automatically change – like a house of cards – instantly freeing you from limiting patterns without the need to relive past traumas.
The practitioner will determine whether you hold certain beliefs through muscle testing. This will also validate that a belief has shifted. The duration of a Theta session is usually between 30 and 90 minutes, and the number of sessions required depends on the issue you would like to work on. Most issues can be addressed in one or two sessions, but some may take longer.
You do not need to do anything in preparation for the session. In fact you can completely doubt that it will work. It is helpful to voice your feelings about it to your practitioner though as this will enable them to work on that area with you. Many healings have spontaneously occurred when a practitioner resolved the client’s doubt. It is also helpful for you to drink plenty of water before the session to make sure you are well hydrated. This will assist with muscle testing. All changes are performed only with the informed consent of the client – Theta Healing works only with this informed consent. The affirmation of ‘Yes’ signifies your conscious readiness to accept a new reality.
Your practitioner will create a safe and supportive space in which you can explore any area of your life where you would like to see changes take place. In addition to improving your health and well-being, you can work on anything from finding your most compatible soul mate, to unlocking your creativity, or growing your business. The possibilities are endless!
Nitu Dhiman is a certified Theta (DNA) Healing Practitioner. She is certified by the founder of Theta (DNA) Healing – Ms Vianna Stibal.
Book an Appointment For Theta (DNA) Healing
Contact for Appointment:
Divine Health Clinic
Sector 22 C, Chandigarh
Only WhatsApp call/text: +91 987 623 1991
46th Avenue, Vancouver, Canada
Call or text: +1 236 858 4446
Email: info@psychotherapistnitu.com
Online Payments are accepted here!
Indian Clients may pay the fee through GPay or through any UPI app at the contact number +919876231991 OR at UPI id: divinehealth@icici.
Canada/USA Clinets can pay either through PayPal at Nitu.dhiman09@hotmail.com or contact to know etransfer details.
This Blog is for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional psychiatric treatment. Visiting this blog this does not create a therapeutic relationship with Nitu Singh or imply that one has been established with him. In no event shall Nitu Singh be held responsible for any negative consequence to the reader resulting from the reader’s use of this material.
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