You're Not Insane If You Consult A Psychologist
If you are looking for a psychotherapist or for a psychologist or for a counselor, she is a good match to help you out of your psychological problems and to enhance your happiness. Your information and all the details about you will be kept confidential.
- Marriage/Couple Counseling
- Family & Group Counseling
- Guidance and career Counseling.
- Any Emotional problem Related Counseling
- Mental health Counseling.
- Substance abuse Counseling.
- Relationship Counseling
- Teenage Counseling
- Grief Counseling
- Therapy Counseling
- Self-Esteem Counseling
- Self-Awareness Counseling
- Depression/anxiety/panic attacks/phobias/fears/resentment/grudges Counseling
Psychological Counseling helps in discovering solutions of many problems.
You are in safe hands:
Sometimes, you do not want to discuss your personal issues with your friends, relatives or family members. At that point of time, a professional counselor helps you, understands you and guides you in the best possible way. Nitu does counseling to understand and diagnose the root cause of your problem, and guides you the best possible solution for your problem. She helps you to understand your true self in a better way. According to a scientific research, more than 75% of our physical and mental problems or diseases are psychosomatic. Therefore, these problems or diseases can be cured with better understanding and realization, that too without medicine.
“Just by changing your perception, the whole world around you changes automatically.” Nitu Dhiman
Questions in Your Mind About Counseling:
How Does It Work?
In a counseling session, there will be a detailed discussion about your problem with Nitu Dhiman… including your life history and different moments or events related to your problem. She will then guide you the best possible solution along with some techniques to work on your self for a quick and long lasting results. This homework will be for approximately a week or so. Next counseling session is usually conducted within or after a week.
How many sessions are required?
It all depends upon your problem and your adaptability of the techniques guided to you. If you do what is suggested.. you’ll surely get results in every session.
How Do I know If I need a Psychotherapy?
You will be guided if a therapy other than counseling is require, after accessing your mental condition in first counseling session.
Will my name and other details be kept confidential?
Of course yes! All your details will be kept 100% CONFIDENTIAL. Your information will not be revealed even to your family if you don’t want.
For any more queries or to know the procedure to book an appointment for a counseling/consultation session, press the WhatsApp button on the lower right corner of the screen.
Book an Appointment For A Counseling Session
Contact for Appointment:
WhatsApp Call/Text only for India: +91 987 623 1991
Call/iMessage/WhatsApp for Canada & USA: +1 236 858 4446
Online Payments are accepted here! For more details, WhatsApp your name by clicking on the very right corner of the screen.
Canadian/USA Clients contact at +1 236 858 4446 to know etransfer details. PayPal
Sector 22 C, Chandigarh, India
46th Avenue, Vancouver, Canada
VISIT (Strictly By Appointment)
Nitu Dhiman
Psychologist & Counselor
Past Life Regression Therapist
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Angel Card Reader & Angel Therapist
Reiki Grand Master
Theta (DNA) Therapist
Follow her on Twitter: PsychologyNitu
Follow her on Instagram: NituDhiman09
Linkedin Profile: Nitu Dhiman
Like her Facebook Page: Nitu.DivineHealthClinic
YouTube Channel: Nitu Dhiman
Web Address:
This Blog is for informational and educational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional psychiatric treatment. Visiting this blog this does not create a therapeutic relationship with Nitu Singh or imply that one has been established with him. In no event shall Nitu Singh be held responsible for any negative consequence to the reader resulting from the reader’s use of this material.
Whilst every effort will be made to keep the information up to date and correct, there are no warranties, either expressed or implied, that guarantee the accuracy, reliability, accessibility or suitability of the information provided. In addition to this, in keeping with the dialectic nature of conceptual discourses and truth, my opinions and perspectives may change and evolve over time.